Festivals — Waldorf STL
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A festival is a joyous celebration of life and has the quality of lifting us out of the ordinary and into the mysteries and magic of the rhythm of the seasons.

The celebration of festivals is an important part of Waldorf education. Throughout history, festivals have emerged from people’s connection with their spiritual life and their search for the meaning of human existence. The celebrations are interwoven with the life of the earth and the cycles of nature.

Many faith-based traditions recognize the spiritual realities behind different passages during the year and that is why special observances cluster together on the calendar. In the Waldorf tradition, festivals are meant to reflect the spiritual reality of what is happening to the earth during certain times of the year.

For example, we can experience autumn in a natural way as we watch the colorful changing of the leaves, feel the crispness in the air, and taste the tartness of a newly picked apple. We can experience it also, in a spiritual way, if we begin to perceive the beauty around us. The awe of a special sunset can quicken a sense of reverence, stir us to voice a few poetic lines or feel a sense of inner peace. A common experience of joy and reverence is what allows a festival at a particular time of year to unite a whole community.

Singing, dancing, stories, food, and sharing are all a part of the festivals of the year. The Waldorf School of St. Louis celebrates the following:

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Michaelmas, as it is observed in Waldorf schools, is the “festival of courage.” Michael, the archangel who inspires courage, is associated with this festival time. Through the inspiration of this angelic being, the lowly peasant, George, was inspired to persevere, though the odds were stacked against him, to complete a daunting task, slaying the “dragon”. The Jewish tradition of Yom Kippur observed around this time requires one to go deep within one’s own depths (to face the “dragon” within?) and to be truthful in making atonement. This requires the greatest courage of all. This is the spiritual connection between these two outwardly different observances.

Our Michaelmas festival includes a performance of the St. Michael play, a delicious potluck picnic, and silk dyeing in natural dye pots. Michaelmas is a community favorite.

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Martinmas Lantern Walk

Martinmas has been called the “festival of compassion.” Based on the story of St. Martin of Tours, a Roman soldier who abandoned his position of high rank and wealth to devote his life to serving the poor, this festival invites us to follow the lantern light through the gathering darkness, joining with others who also have chosen the way of compassion. The Hindu Diwali “festival of lights” also takes place around this time. At WSSL, we meet in the meadow, lighted by the lanterns the children have made, and listen to the story of Martin as performed by our grades school students. We then join together for song and fellowship.


Winter Garden

The Waldorf “Winter Garden” coincides with the beginning of the Christian observation of advent (four weeks preceding Christmas) and the Jewish festival of Chanukah. At Winter Garden, the children traverse an evergreen spiral to light a candle from the source, deep within the center of the spiral. As we approach the darkest days of the year, we must search for that inner light and strength to sustain us through dark times.



Held in early February, Candlemas is a time of year when the lengthening of daylight hours becomes noticeable. The day is celebrated because it means that winter will soon be over, and spring will come. The time of darkness and fallow earth will soon end, and new light and life-sustaining growth will come. Students hand-dip candles in the cold of the meadow as a symbol to keep the warmth and light through the next six weeks.


Grandparents’ / Special Friends’ Day

Grandparents and Special Friends are welcomed to WSSL on this special day. Our visitors experience a lovely morning of sharing. This celebration takes place in April. The students, faculty, and administration enjoy sharing our campus and the work the students have been engaged in.

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May celebrations come from a tradition of the celebration of the beginning of summer. Children and adults have traditionally worn flowers when dancing around a May Pole. A "May Crown" or wreath of flowers for the head symbolizes the full arrival of spring and new growth.


Grade 8 Graduation

Families, teachers, and students come together to honor the Grade 8 class on this momentous occasion. Recognition of student accomplishments and remembrances of their journey together is celebrated.


Rainbow Bridge Ceremony

The Rainbow Bridge ceremony celebrates the transition made by Kindergarten students who are rising into Grade One. These children cross the Rainbow Bridge from their dreamy world of play into a more awakened state, ready to take on focused academic lessons.



Birthdays are a significant milestone in a child’s life and when they can be celebrated with classmates and teachers, it supports the individual’s connection to the whole group.